Kick It

Found on the cement outside a Starbucks.

Roses Are Dead

My husband, who works at a middle school, found this in the computer lab. Apparently it was a rough draft because it was typed up on the computer and adorned with different graphics. Most of them, obviously, were roses.


Gotta love a break-up note written on black cat stationery.

My Birthday Gift

Somehow threatening letters with bad spelling are always the work of a true psycho.

Made Your Choice

Note found on sidewalk seems to be outlining what to say in an upcoming telephone conversation. Detroit circa 1988.

To Die For

Found this note in between pages in a book that I checked out from the library. The last line really gets me.

While You Were Gone

I found this disarming bit in a not-so-great part of Costa Mesa earlier this year.

My Dearest Beloved

I was going through a set of old books donated to the library by the family of a recently deceased leading citizen. This note was in one well-worn textbook. I don’t know if this note was directed at him, from him, or why he kept it all these years in a book he probably used … Continued