
This was folded, taped and addressed to Matthew. We think it might be from a church camp gathering. I love the choice of note paper.

Great Day

Found this in the hallway; it made my day a little greater.

Tired Horse

I worked for a small town public library which provided a great source for lost materials as patrons seemed to use anything nearby as a handy bookmark. Oftentimes, we’d try to reunited these misplaced items with their owners, but it wasn’t always possible. This was one such item that caught my eye. I doubt the … Continued

I Need a Cheerleader

This was tucked in the sleeve of a Van Morrison record my grandma purchased for me at a thrift store. I don’t know whether the note was written or the foot was drawn first. Neither scenario makes much sense, but I like them.

No Guns Allowed

I was walking down the stairs from my class and found this note sitting on the windowsill. I guess Spencer didn’t want to dispose of the note. Mission Failed.

Air Condom

Forced off my bike by a puncture and promptly found this lying in a puddle on the pavement.

Get a Frickin’ Job

Found lying in a sad puddle at a gloomy East London bus stop.. hopefully before Dad was given this not so subtle birthday message…

The Ideal Boyfriend

I found this on the inside front cover of a faded notebook in a decaying cardboard box in a cabinet in the Academic Office of my school.

I’m Calling the Cops Again

This blew onto my foot while walking home from dinner on a Saturday night on Smith Street. The find really speaks for itself.