A Perfumed Remark

A few days ago, I was inspecting an elegant antique sterling perfume atomizer (I’m a dealer). I unscrewed the top and peeked into the narrow glass vial inside. There was no liquid, but there was a pleasant perfume aroma, plus this note, which was curled up inside. I had to use a pair of needle-nose … Continued

From My Levatoranz

No idea what a Levatoranz or a Bulbospongiosus are, but it does seem that “J” really loves Matthew. This was found in a book outside at The Strand bookstore in New York City in the $1 books section.

Preliminary Data

I was looking through vintage art book that a street vendor was selling on Bedford and found this. Just as I turned around to talk to the vendor, two policemen started harassing him about his merchandise. I figured he was busy enough and walked off with this piece of paper.

Say Yes

While remodeling my basement, I came across this photocopied (why?) note underneath the old cedar closet.

The Herbalist

Here in South Africa a lot of doctors peddle their craft and advertise their magic at traffic lights and intersections.

Chocking on Cheerios

After finding this in my yard, I’m really going to be on the lookout at the next block party for some one quiet, who stays away from breakfast cereal, with shrinking thighs and keeps falling down. I hope it’s not contagious.