Not Enough

I found this note in a little wooden box I bought at a flea market. It broke my heart because it looks like Katherine was crying while she wrote this– there are little tear stains on the paper. It also looks like this letter was read many, many times. The paper is torn like a … Continued

Chinese Ballet

I found this on the sidewalk outside of Bazini’s.

Yes Do You Feel Sad

This find touched me. I was kind of flooded with a mix of memories and emotions when I realized what I was holding. First off, I was happy to discover that kids still pass notes. With all the technology advancements and changes in just the last 15 to 20 years, I’d imagined that there was … Continued

Meltdown in the Hay

As I was walking out of class one day, I found a small envelope with a picture inside with a small note, that simply said, “So much for a smooth landing” in 2006.

Dear Mom

I’m a counselor at a camp and I found this on the floor after all the campers left.


My old roommate found this in a parking lot not too far from a school. The face looks like a girl to me, so I imagine it’s just some random kid who got into your normal chick fight with her best “frined.”

They Tricked Me

I found this note written on Keebler stationary in the case of a Polaroid camera purchased at a flea market… Tampered brake lines, deception, heartbreak.

Lost Love

Found lying on the sidewalk. It had been duct-taped to a pole like many others in the neighborhood. I don’t know if he ever found love again. So it goes.


Found in the drawer of a bookshelf of a closing bookstore. She seems to love her presents.