
I found this written on the inside of a table tent in the cafe part of a Whole Foods store located in a wealthy area of Dallas. The outside advertises “Omega-3s: Essential fats that do your heart good.”

I Type Statement

We found this in a parking lot near the group picnic sights and thought it was fitting that there were signs up announcing that the group that was there was for a family reunion.


I found a little notebook, and it had a few interesting things in it. The author was probably in the theater, or involved in drama. The style of the whole notebook is a frenzied sort of stream-of-consciousness writing that probably only makes full sense to the author.

Thoughts Control

We have a small office which is our boss’s office/relief desk/break area where we can use the computer on our breaks. I went to write myself a note on the post-it pad when I saw these 3 notes, shown in order. I recognize most everyone’s handwriting and I don’t have a clue who this belongs … Continued

The Committee

This was found midway down a cliff in a discarded binder containing scripts, syllabi, and notes and pamphlets for a number of different causes.