Five Slayer T-Shirts

I stopped into a Fort Bragg laundromat on my way down the Pacific coast from Seattle and found this sheet laying inside. Apparently this guy lost some pretty important clothes.

Waist High

These pictures came in a batch of photos developed at a drug store in the early 60′s.

Ronnie, Dear

During a night of drinking at the pub, one of my friends found this.

Over It Tonight

I found this in the bathroom at work that we share with another business. It was on the floor next to the toilet.

Places to Beat Devin to

My fiancee and I found a stack of pages torn from a notebook while walking around one of the lakes at Notre Dame University.

Dress-up Kitty

I think this gem was from the 1800s printed on a large glass plate negative that I found.

Double Heeled

This photo was found in a drawer in a classroom of the alternative high school I attended. Since the school lacked funding, prom photos were taken by teachers with students posing in front of cheap backdrops. I’m not sure if the double exposure was an accident or done intentionally by a student in the darkroom.

Pucker Up

Standing waiting for the M1 Tram around midnight on a Tuesday and found this stuck into the side of the shelter. It was wedged between the glass and the frame so someone would see it, almost like it was lost and someone found it, to be found by someone else. Oddly the Fotomat machine is … Continued

What Many Men Crave

I worked at this camera shop back in ’03-’04. Once in a while there were some people who would come in from Western State Psychiatric Hospital.