Sluty Dress

The hearts make me think that she probably had a hot date that night.


Found this on the floor at the Apple store at The Summit. I did not know what a onesie was. I asked a few guys. They did not know, but it sounded kinky. The whole list sounded kind of kinky, like things to take on the honeymoon or a weekend tryst. Then I asked a … Continued

Epic Question

I found this next to a recycling bin at a high school. I think that it was created in a Sex Ed. class where the students were assigned to ask questions to the opposite gender. It is a prevailing question often pondered by the male species.

To The Thief Who Stole My Leather Pants

Imagine my glee after stumbling across this impassioned plea while on a stroll through Echo Park. Without a doubt, my best find thus far.

Bud Clothes

I saw this bit of paper lying over the drain by the curb, and hoorah! Not even a boring receipt!

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

This was in the bushes near the smoking area of my barracks, folded in half with the words facing outwards, as if it was one of those nametags you put on your desk. I’m terribly curious what situation called for a nametag saying “I’m wearing women’s underwear.”


I found this lying on the sidewalk while out for my daily run. The note is written on the back of a coupon for a massage spa.