Get a Frickin’ Job

Found lying in a sad puddle at a gloomy East London bus stop.. hopefully before Dad was given this not so subtle birthday message…

From My Levatoranz

No idea what a Levatoranz or a Bulbospongiosus are, but it does seem that “J” really loves Matthew. This was found in a book outside at The Strand bookstore in New York City in the $1 books section.

It’s All Yours

I found this on someone’s front lawn today. At first I thought it said, “It’s all you,” and then I read more and realized that it must have been some sort of sign a child made for a free giveaway of unwanted stuff…There is an elementary school across the street. I like the “No Momey” … Continued

Pulling for Me

I found this card inside a paperback copy of “The Thorn Birds” by Colleen McCullough that I purchased in a thrift store. These are the two inside pages.

Felen Tims Day

I walked out this morning to get the newspaper and saw this crumpled up note stuck halfway under a flowerpot. It was so windy here yesterday that it must have blown in and got stuck there. At first, I thought it was an old tissue that we had left out there. I picked it up … Continued