
I found this on a sidewalk while walking to school. I pictured my own life flying by until I became the person who was writing this note.

Complimentary Paper Bag

I was walking to work and walked over an empty brown paper bag with multicolored writing on the visible side. I paused to read it without bothering to pick it up, and continued on my way. After walking a few blocks I couldn’t stop thinking about the sweet thoughts written on the bag (and wondering … Continued

Love Joseph

I found a wad of folded up photographs on the ground while walking home. They were fairly aged, as though someone had been carying them around a long time in every kind of weather, really cherishing them and what they stood for.

Cause She’s Not

I picked up this folded yellow piece of paper on Harvard’s Campus. I unraveled the well considered folds to find this amazing note: short, sweet and to the point. I love how well-punctuated it is.


I found this on Chesterton Road next to Jesus Green.

Tropical Paradise

I picked this up on the street near Central Square. Nothing too special about the content of the note, but I like how it looks like the “dumb ass” is pooping into a magical Tahitian lagoon.

You Are Violating Fashion

I found this on the cobblestones in front of a college dorm. I wonder what fashion violations were so egregious that they warranted an anonymous complaint like this. And couldn’t they have been more specific? If I were violating fashion, I probably wouldn’t know exactly how, and would need more information.


Found crumpled on the floor of the #75 bus.

Previous Convictions

I found this about a year ago while in line at the post office. I keep it stuck to the edge of my computer monitor at work (mixed in with all the other “to do” notes). Nobody has ever mentioned it.

Asleep at the Soundboard

I found this photo lying in the grass on the campus of Harvard University. Looks like someone’s studio session was pretty boring.