Connie’s Break-Up

I found this gem on a walk after a rainy day- hence the wet paper. I feel kind of bad for Connie but this made me chuckle.

Sorry, Rachel.

Found in tall grass section of local dog park. Genuine. Remorse. Second chance?

I Deserve Better

Words of pain and disappointment after this person generously loaned an apparent lover a car only to see the favor repaid with a callous and passive aggressive dis. I found this under a highway overpass and am intrigued by the story behind the relationship – and the clear finality of it – contained in a … Continued

This Conversation

This was found neatly tucked inside a scoring pad at the bowling alley. Have a nice life!

My Dearest Beloved

I was going through a set of old books donated to the library by the family of a recently deceased leading citizen. This note was in one well-worn textbook. I don’t know if this note was directed at him, from him, or why he kept it all these years in a book he probably used … Continued