The Other Woman

This folded note was tucked into a used book I bought decades ago. It’s a letter from a pissed friend of Sylvia Wroe, who is telling “the other woman” to lay off Sylvia’s husband. Now, why Sylvia kept it is a mystery indeed. Seems like the kind of thing you rip up in a jealous … Continued

Well-Groomed Vagabond

The room of the clean-shaven squatter. This documentation of desolation is overwhelming and yet strangely warm. I have had this and a few other very interesting photos for many years. I found it in a box from an antique store.

Dear Etta

I found this stuffed in a Rudyard Kipling book copyrighted in 1899.

Meece’s Doodle?

A few months ago I told a friend of mine about how I had been fixing up a book I own from the 1890s by deacidifying the pages and repairing the bindings. He mentioned he had some 19th century school textbooks in his garage that were falling apart, and I offered to see if I … Continued

Is My Hair Too Long?

My husband and I were taking a ride through a rural area in my convertible, and I wondered aloud about the length of my hair. Is it too long? Do I need a haircut? I ran inside a thrift store while my husband waited in the car. I found this photo–I have never seen hair … Continued

Miner Examiner Certificate

I was not at home when my wife received a call from a woman named Carmen from Sydney Forks, Nova Scotia. She said she was shopping at Value Village she noticed a clerk was putting an old bible on the shelf. She looked at the bible and decided to purchase it. It was a thick … Continued

Like Hell It’s Yours

I got a fedora in an antique shop and discovered this tucked into the inside.

Dear Julie

I found this greeting card in a secondhand copy of the book Poirot Loses a Client. I wonder if these ladies stayed friends. The translator I used is probably not accurate, and the handwriting’s quite hard to read, so this is the best translation I could piece out (it’s written in Danish): Dear Julie, I’m … Continued