If, Then

I think everyone feels this way at least once in their life.

Nervous Breakdown Pending

It looks like someone needs to get off their butt and get some work done. I’m just glad it wasn’t for me. I found it on the kitchen counter and was momentarily concerned, but my wife had brought it home after she found it.

Bring Her Back, Baby

After dragging my Christmas tree curbside, I found this soggy note next to my mailbox.

Pick on Someone Your Own Size

We found this inside an old copy of The Martian Chronicles that we were given in Sci-Fi class. The last time the books were checked out was 1979 according to the inside flap. I hope Greg and Heather worked things out.

The Trivial Things

This was taped to an electrical box at a Muni bus stop at Spear & Howard. I saw it on a Thursday when I left work, but didn’t have time to stop and read the whole thing until Friday. By Monday morning someone else had added the line at the bottom.

Sooo Fake

A bookmark found in a very-overdue library book. It was one of the “Chicken Soup” books. I’d like to say it was “Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul” but I just don’t know for sure.

A Bad Day

I found this note on the sidewalk awhile ago.


I found this on a sidewalk while walking to school. I pictured my own life flying by until I became the person who was writing this note.


Found it on a shelf near the mailboxes in my apartment building. For what it’s worth, the next morning I definitely heard a loud radio blaring from an apartment down the hall.