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Found by Adam C. in San Francisco, California

I found this on my windshield in the SFO long-term parking, October 2012. I was very late for a flight and parked quickly in a tight spot. I realized I severely squeezed someone in, but I had absolutely no time to park again. The whole 4-day trip I wondered if I’d get a ticket, towed, or a key scratch. When I returned, I saw something on my windshield. Figured it was a ticket but it was this letter. Sorry about that, stranger. I’m just glad you didn’t key my car.


  1. Feeling Incoherent says:

    on May 31, 2013 at 10:23 am
    Let’s change the name of the site to

  2. phantomjoe says:

    on June 1, 2013 at 12:10 am
    i can’t help but laugh when i imagine a super girly voiceover with the image of angry woman scribbling this down. think sarah silverman.

  3. suzanne says:

    on June 2, 2013 at 7:06 pm
    The person who KNEW that they blocked somebody in, but still walked away is a completely selfish a-hole. Shame on you!